
If you want to, I can be just like you
I can laugh at your jokes, convince you to take me home. Sayin' my type, anything to get inside your mind. Put a look on my face and back to your place. Using your words just to move up a base.

malboro,     crystal


            ✓ walk ups.                ✓ tells.               ✓ mature rp.               ✓ dark rp.

please be sure to read my rules in their entirety to ensure comfort between all writing partners, and to ensure that we all have fun! If there is ever issues, please feel free to contact me and reach out. Better talk and communicate, than being left in discomfort. This character does dwell into darker themes. If the RP ever goes that way, check-ins will be made, to ensure no triggers happen!

©  carrd template by paletterph.


  name.    Kahn Shoura  age.    29  race.    Mix of Hhetsarro and Xbr'aal.  birthday.     5th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon  birthplace.    tural - tuliyollal  gender.     Transmasc  pronouns.     He / They  sexuality.     Bisexual (Heavily masc lean)

  height.     170 cm  weight.     82 kilos  hair color.     Bright orange  eye color.     One blue eye, other is a glass eye with a yellow gem in  skin tone.     Tanned  notable features.     Covered in freckles and tiger-like markings. He's a pretty unique looking guy in that aspect. Round pupils, fangs, yet the colours and fire like a ginger. On the left side of his face, there's several scars, with his left missing and replaced by a glass eye


•    intelligence    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

•    social skills    ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

•    charisma    ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆

•    dexterity    ★★★★★★★★☆☆

•    strength    ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

•    stamina    ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

" I've been spinning the bottle
Fighting the bottom, fighting thе bottom, oh
I've been drinking with Cupid
Thinking of you, babe, thinking of you, babe, oh
And sincе you left, I try my best to turn the page
Since you left, I roll my joints with Hemingway
I can't erase the way your face lit up this place
I can't escape from your face

*    ▊▊   Created by:    Valeriant.

*    ▊▊   voice claim:    click below.

the soul.

     the personality       Bratty, Gambler and menace are the best words to fully describe him.
A soul that loves to gamble anything from tiny little shiny coins, to higher risks. Nothing is enough for this ball of ginger hair and fur. Wanna give it a try in one of his daring games?
Or perhaps just have a good talk with someone who enjoys all vices of life. No matter what anyone picks, it’s certainly not gonna be a boring time. Seek him out, or risk him finding someone..
He's always on the hunt for the next problem, or risk he might take.
To get to those deeper levels of him, is however not easy. He's someone who might not ever show those sides of himself to some people, or perhaps it might take longer for him to even warm up to that spot. Only time will tell.

& key items.

important items commonly found in their inventory.

     Orange crystal     
Around his neck, you'll always find a leather strap, with an orange crystal hanging from it. He always keeps it close to his person, sometimes perhaps sat touching it idly.
Upon closer looks? It would hold a faint amount of aether in it, dynamis to be more precise. It's an old thing, clearly he's either had it for a long time, or perhaps been given to him. IT's hard to really tell.

     red feathers     
There's something about this cat and his feathers. There's always some kinda feathers on his person, either hanging from his hair, attached to his weapons or something. They are always rest, with oranges and yellow tints in them and designs. He's often found with earrings too, having peacock feathers hanging from them.
Is it a fashion choice or means more to him? Hard to tell and best to maybe find out more with asking him!

     golden jewels     
his fingers are always decorated with several golden rings. SOme new, some old. his piercings are all made out of gold as well, and well taken care of. on his fingers is different styles, some being signet rings, some having gems in them.
He always manages to get some new ones, so if he steals them or not, is perhaps easy enough to find out.

     protestic eye     
His yellow eye is very easily not real. With the various scars running down over it and all, plus he doesn't hide it really. Far from.
The pupil is very clearly made of a yellow gem, possibly topaz and shine very stunningly in the sun when his head is turned that direction.

     viper soul stone     
Kept always in one of his pockets or in a bag on his person, is a soul stone. It's old, passed down in generations very obviously and holds alot in it.
he very rarely shows it off, so hard to find it, unless if it's fallen out of he directly shows people it. it holds a great value for him.

the history.

Born in Tural, he didn't spend much of his youth there. Barely a couple of years old, he was taken away by his dad, after his mom's supposed passing. He barely remembers much from that age, and his first many memories was his happy life, on the island his dad got right outside La Noscea's coasts.
Spending his childhood there, mostly with his dad, he grew up to be a hard working guy.
Yet those years didn't remain too peaceful. When he was around eighteen he started to act out, being young and not feeling like he was proper fitting in his own body, he made some very bad choices. Gaining a horrible debt to some very wrong people, he had to find some good work and money. Which soon showed to be pirating. Joining a crew, he had to hide himself very. With binding his chest and some more loose clothes he luckily blend in well.. And soon the years went by on the seas.He grew to love this life, living there on the seas, being free and everything.. But also being perceived differently? It light a fire under the young guy's backside and he fully devoted himself to this life. Going through with some changes, and fixing some things he weren't happy with, he felt more free than he ever had in his life. But one dad changed alot.After going down with the crew he loved, and spend years with.. He with a few others managed to live through it, and soon came out on the other side, but something had changed. Something in him had broken a bit. Quite literally.. New battles started to appear before him, he had to make some choices and get some fixes quickly.Did they last? Have he gotten the solutions to his problems or have it taken some darker turns?


  d&d alignment.     Chaotic Neutral  likes.     Gambling, Drinks, Spicy food, Parities, Thrills, Adventures, Sailing, Water, and Throwing himself around with a Cyr Wheel or dancing with fire  dislikes.     Cold, Boring people, Snobs and Rich people  virtues.     Confidence, Loyalty, Passionate, Wonder and Determination  flaws.     Arrogant, Boastful, Mischievous and Obnoxious

Pirate. Perhaps seen him on the seas? In Limsa or heard about him and his crew? He spend some years on the many seas and easily bumped into. Currently also gotten himself a boat and Captain title, he can be found amongst the ranks of the Confederacy.Vices. A party or two have happened.. Atleast more than once for many years. He's done it all really.. Drinking, drugs and all that follows in with it.Gambler. Many places like pubs, inn's or even on the sides in different towns? It's been easy to find him and perhaps lost a game or two with him?Rival. Because of how he is as a person, he's atleast pissed off a handful of people, been in fights or perhaps even got a bounty on his head. Feel free to message me, and we can discuss it!Debt. It's not a gambling life, without a bit of debt, with some people he might not be too proud about..
Wanna play someone in his life, he owes debt to? Please feel free to message me and we can figure it out!
Aether His aether isn't entirely normal. With several layers to it, depends on how deep someone might look into it. The top layers? Is like a bright sunny day. Fire, in the astral attuned way, bright and warm. But dwell deeper? Send me a tell for that.

" Taste what fell from grace
Wanna taste what fell from grace?
Run away from the faith
Let's race if you wanna taste


    Limsa      Being a true pirate and having spend many of his years there, he can easily be found in various places of the whole town and it's areas!    Ul'dah      What better place than to get some good jobs, hunts or repair some of his things? He often heads there for various errands and other matters.    tuliyollal      His new home near enough, he is lately often found around this town, but also most of Tural!    kugane      Several people he know, lives here and he's often found visiting, but not always staying there too long!


first-aid. he's not the best, but sure knows how to atleast bandage a wound, and make sure someone doesn't bleed out, when at sea or on jobs!
intel. maybe not the person to expect doing these type of jobs, but he got connections, knows how to make friends when not being a jackass.. And somehow? Often manages to get information out of people. Don't ask him how, even he doesn't always know why.
smooth-talker. despite his horrible wording and ways around some types of people. He can often talk his way out of things. Being it serious or not, he manages to often diffuse situations, or maybe turn them around.
thieving. he's a pirate, so of course he knows how to go about stealing people from everything they know. Be it out at seas and taking from other ships? Or even break into some people's houses. He's notorious for finding out about treasures, and somehow always manages to get them, one way or another.
find problems. either he creates them, finds them or they find him. Be it a skill or not? He tends to get something out of it, good or bad. So it's a skill at this point.


fire. his main element, and what you'll most often see him use, is fire aspected attacks or magick. His own natural one, is very astral alligned, but umbral flames often overtake it.
levin. the second after his fire, will be levin. Lightning, thunder and all electrical comes very natural to him, but bit more chaotic.
water. much like the previous two above, he can wield water as well. But no way near as effective as the other two.
fighting he's pretty good at generally fighting and brawling. With or without weapons, he can do pretty well.
crafting or maint. he knows his ways around carpentry somewhat well, smithing or anything like so. He can't craft weapons, or build a full house, but he can repair things.

    physical combat    

swords. you'll always find him with two swords on his back.
knives and pistol. sometimes you might fight a little boot-knife on him, or pistol strapped to his leg, it honestly depends.
fighting style. His main job, is Viper and some monk style in over it.
physical strength. He's a pretty strong guy, not fully bulky and that. But his strength is in his core muscles.


he's a chaotic sort, and perhaps not the type to always show his skills. But they do come out at times, and some in ways you might not see coming.Often he's someone that takes a little extra time to figure out, before his qualities does appear, but watch him? And perhaps get surprised, or maybe he just surprises in return.


    basic etiquette        *

Please respect both my identity and the identity of my character. We are LGBT friendly here, so disrespect/bigotry will not be tolerated.
21+ only. This character is centered around both Mature and Dark themes. Just as well, I prefer to interact with my own peers. It's not personal!
IC ≠ OOC; Kahn is mean sometimes. If you need me to tone it down, please ask, but be aware his behavior is not me trying to be rude to you.
Para/Multi-para is preferred! I don't mind slow writers, either. Just let me know what's easiest for you! ♥

    preferred themes        *

I love interesting and slow-burn intereactions, one on one is fine but also with group settings!
Give me all the angst, the drama and spicy things which can happen in various settings. Longer plots with growth in characters, but also where maybe they regress a bit.
Darker themes, mature and all is welcome and enjoyed here, but in contrast to it too, I enjoy lighter and warm themes as well. Mix it up!
Right now I am especially seeking adventure-like rp, plots and big stories. If interest, please reach out!


Sneef   |   29   |   He/They


    things to avoid        *

No severe damage without consent and no death.
if in doubt please just ask me, about themes or anything like so.
NO ERP unless we're friends, or I've rp'ed a few times with the character.
Absolutely will not ERP with Lalafell. Ever. Don't ask.

    about me        *

EU - From Denmark and therefore English is my second language. I'm trans irl, a non-binary transmasc so please use He/They to me OOCly! My sleeping pattern is very much all over the place, so will often find me up at times which might be very late for other EU. Never be afraid to reach out to me, I enjoy chatting! I do have mare, but won't give it, unless we've rp'ed a few times.



›    requirements:    be around limsa, or perhaps heard a thing or two around other pirates

The accent, the way of dressing and his title? The rumor is brewing of a young man who used to sail on a strong pirate ship, having been there most his life, and lived through several horrible fights. But how did he get through them all, did he cheat? Leave ships to join others? Or stay with the same is the question.ontop of so, the newest rumor now dwells with it, that he's now captain of his own ship, and sails in all the seas. what might he take, what might be bring? depends on what you hear.


›    requirements:    Information brokering or perhaps people who often come to these places.

Parties in limsa, or maybe many other places, perhaps seen him? Or heard of him drinking there. Drugs, alcohol or anything to sate the vices. Or maybe was simply there for something else?


›    requirements:    Information brokering or perhaps people who often come to these places.

Many places like pubs, inn's or even on the sides in different towns? Rumors go around that he's been there, won alot of games, been drinking or hanging out. What places does he not go to?In regards to his uhm.. Potential debt. Are they all paid, or did he do other things to perhaps get rid of some? There's many ways to sort out if you owe someone money.. Or perhaps he's the one who's being owed.

    Sinclair DUPONT    

To say these two are a troubled kind, would be an understatement. Sin both annoys the hell out of Kahn, he riles him up and they are constantly fighting. But perhaps this is also how they both can best express for another? They have found something there, but what it exactly is? Kahn isn't sure of, and he'll never admit, that he actually look forward to their fights..

relationship type       ???, rivals, enemies, regretful crush

    A'hlan tia    

they've known each other for long, and what a road it's been. These two cats always hit it off well and quickly grew to be good friends. Kahn have always seen A'hlan to be one he can always find, rely on and trust. Which is truly not many he have ever been able to say so about.

relationship type       close friends and trusted

    His crew    

the people on his ship, which he can always rely on. A small bunch of misfits he have picked up around the star over time, and soon grown to be his steady place. he might not talk about them much, and the times between their trips on the seas might wary, but these are people he can always know to be ready to go on adventures with.

relationship type       friends and trusted